A few weeks ago, my nephew Josh's son was born. Preston Blake entered the world at 4:41pm on July 20, 2010 weighing in at 8lbs 1oz and measuring 20-3/4" long. I got to stay in the room and watching him blaze into this world is an experience I will never forget & will always cherish. I got a text from Tiffany, his girlfriend, at around 3:45 saying she was in labor. About 4:30-5:00 she texted saying she had been admitted and hooked up to machines. I told myself I better get up & head up there so I don't miss anything. I got to the hospital around 7am and the waiting began. Tiffany got her epideral (sp?) around 8am-ish and napped a lot throughout the day. She went from 7cm to 9cm in a matter of 45 minutes. Around 1pm she started pushing, but Preston wasn't low enough so the nurse suggested she take a break and reposition to see if that will help push him down a little lower. Around 3:50pm-ish she started pushing again. This time it was for real. After about 30 minutes I could see his head crowning! We kept encouraging her to push harder and not too much longer he was out! The doctor put him on Tiff's tummy and her mom cut the cord. The nurses wisked him away to start cleaning him up. I could not believe how beautiful he was...well minus the cone head. :-). He finally cried for the first time and then I knew everything was ok. I started taking pictures of him instantly! I am so proud of Tiffany...she was a trooper through the whole delivery. She didn't cry, scream, curse or throw anything...she just pushed. There were so many people there waiting to meet little Preston...he is not ever going to lack in the love department...that is for sure! Here are a few pictures from over the last 3 weeks.
You are a great aunt. :)